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Welcome to the Institute of Chinese Studies at Freiburg University

Research and teaching at the Institute of Chinese Studies at Freiburg University focus on modern and contemporary China and are characterized by an interdisciplinary approach combining history and the social sciences. In addition, the Institute offers a comprehensive training in the Chinese language.

Photos from our institute's everyday life, reading recommendations and information about our events can be found on our Facebook page.


Information on recent and upcoming events, important dates, and publications, can be found here:


News Item Buch Neuerscheinung: Digital China - Creativity and Community in the Sinocybersphere
Herausgegeben von JunProf. Jessica Imbach.
News Item Chinese Corner SS 2024
Das Institut für Sinologie bietet Ihnen derzeit zwei Tutorien „Chinese Corner“, um die Sprechfertigkeit der Studierenden zu fördern.
News Item Vortrag: "Weg und Sein: Über eine transkulturelle Bewegung zwischen chinesischer und griechischer Philosophie“
News Item New Publication: “Maybe listening to the elite? Selective deliberation as a governance tool in rural China”
News Item Gespräch: China, Russland und ihre ungleiche Allianz
Jürgen Osterhammel, Manfred Sapper und Nicola Spakowski über Ressourcen der Macht. Mittwoch, 10. Januar, 18:00 Uhr, Hörsaal 1199
News Item Talk by Elaine Yuan
Prof. Dr. Elaine Jingyan Yuan (University of Illinois, Chicago) is giving a talk on "The Internet in China’s Changing Society"
News Item New publication: Justice After Mao: The Politics of Historical Truth in the People's Republic of China
Justice After Mao: The Politics of Historical Truth in the People's Republic of China, edited by Daniel Leese and Amanda Shuman, was recently published by Cambridge University Press (2023).
News Item Vortrag: Prof. Dr. Shieh Jhy-Wey und Frau Dr. Christine Althauser
"Taiwan im Spannungsfeld weltpolitischer Herausforderungen" – ein Gespräch mit Prof. Dr. Shieh Jhy-Wey, Repräsentant von Taiwan in Deutschland, und Frau Dr. Christine Althauser
News Item Buch Neuerscheinung: Chinesisches Denken der Gegenwart
Herausgegeben von Prof. Daniel Leese und dem Journalisten Ming Shi.
News Item New publication: "Producing Socialist Bodies: Transnational Sports Networks and Athletes in 1950s China"
Amanda Shuman has a chapter in the recently-published book, "Revolutionary Transformations: The People's Republic of China in the 1950s."

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Institut für Sinologie
Werthmannstraße 12
D-79098 Freiburg i. Br.

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