Welcome to the Institute of Chinese Studies at Freiburg University

Research and teaching at the Institute of Chinese Studies at Freiburg University focus on modern and contemporary China and are characterized by an interdisciplinary approach combining history and the social sciences. In addition, the Institute offers a comprehensive training in the Chinese language.

Photos from our institute's everyday life, reading recommendations and information about our events can be found on our Facebook page.


Information on recent and upcoming events, important dates, and publications, can be found here:


News Item Lena Henningsen receives “Leopoldina Early Career Award 2016“
News Item New publication: "Multiple Futures – Africa, China, Europe"
Ulrich Bröckling, Gregor Dobler, Nicola Spakowski (eds.)
News Item New publication: JCCA topical issue on "Policy Implementation in the New Socialist Countryside"
by René Trappel (ed.)
News Item Workshop: “Socialist mobilization and collective memory in China”
Workshop at the University of Freiburg, 6-7 May 2016
News Item Opening of the "Freiburg-Nanjing Center for Modern China Studies"
News Item Gulfia Fakhretdinova receives Alumni Award
News Item New Publication: "China's Agrarian Transition: Peasants, Property, and Politics"
by René Trappel
News Item New Publication: "Asianisms: Regionalist Interactions and Asian Integration"
Edited by Marc Frey and Nicola Spakowski

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Institut für Sinologie
Werthmannstraße 12
D-79098 Freiburg i. Br.

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